Getting to know you better

We here, at Koding, love our users. Everybody knows it, the social outlets know it, hell even the guys at MIT know it.

You all know that behind Koding stands an awesome team of 27 Koders that help make your developer lives a bit easier as the days go by. We managed to spin up a little over 1 million VMs until this point and we can proudly say that we haven’t lost any files.

But enough about us, we want to know more about YOU! Yes, that’s right. We want to know who uses Koding and why.

Are you a student in South Africa, a teacher in the UK or just a kid that found a cheap programing book on Amazon? We want to know.

That’s why in the following weeks we will conduct some short interviews with some of our most active and helpful users around the Koding realm.

There are a lot of you, only a few of us - so we might not get to interview you all but don’t worry you can still drop us a note on any of our social accounts to show your sympathy and we’ll definitely read it and show our appreciation.

So without further adieu, let the interviewing begin!

Don’t forget to check your Inbox and keep sharing awesome stuff with us and the Koding community.

Have a great Koding day!

Nitin Gupta

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